Cebu City National Science High School, commonly known as Sci-Hi is a Secondary Science public High School system located in Salvador St. Labangon, Cebu City, Philippines. It was founded on July 17, 1970 and nationalized in the 1974-1975 school year.

The Cebu City National Science High School, which is formerly known as Cebu City Science High School, was established on July 17, 1970 as the brainchild of Dr. Aurelio A. Tiro, the then Cebu City Schools Division Superintendent. The school's overall concept was patterned after the objectives of the Philippine Science High School and in line with the Government's Science and Technological Education and Manpower Development Program.

On April 28, 1970, Resolution No. 81 of the Cebu City School Board was passed by the Hon. City Councilor Raymundo Crystal, who was then Chairman of the Committee on Education, and requested the Cebu City Council to initiate the funding of a Cebu City Science High School with an appropriation of P50,000. Then it was followed with Resolution No. 772 of the Cebu City Council on May 7, 1970 appropriating the requested amount for the establishment of the school during the incumbency of Honorable Mayor Eulogio Borres. The school was nationalized under Presidential Decree 105 in SY 1974-1975.

Cebu City Science High School was established in Barangay Labangon in its present site, which is a property donated by Don Sergio OsmeƱa, Sr. to the City Government. The first building of the school was a modified 3-unit steel pre-fab Marcos-type school building. The school drew a development plan, and the founding principal, Mrs. Rosalina R. Kintanar, sought direct financial aid from the Office of the President in order to construct a two-storey Academic Library (AL) Building. The Science Building (SB) that was reconstructed from the pre-fab Marcos-type original, the ESEP Building, and the School Gymnasium were added during the administration of Mrs. Nicanora P. Creus. Succeeding principals also had their share in the development of school buildings and facilities.

With her ingenuity and brilliance, the founding principal, Mrs. Rosalina R. Kintanar pioneered in gathering 64 intelligent students and 5 competent teachers who started with what is now the Cebu City National Science High School.

The founding principal was succeeded by equally competent administrators in the persons of Mr. Tereso M. Edo, who was appointed on April 1982, Mrs. Nicanora P. Creus on October 1985, Mrs. Pilar A. Tesaluna on February 1999, Mrs. Severina B. Chin as OIC from May 2001-July 2001, Mr. Jesus G. Ortiz on August 2001 and presently Mrs. Severina B. Chin as OIC from June 2002-October 2002 and finally re-appointed on November 15, 2002.

The Cebu City National Science High School has always been the moving force behind the success of every scholar who inculcates in their hearts the mission and vision of the institution. It has never ceased on molding productive citizens who embody the true essence of excellence and contribute to the nation's growth and development.